CARING CARDINALS: A Cardinal Christmas
by Leesah Marie Noon
Winter-themed cardinal photographs appear throughout this clever and entertaining story about a red northern cardinal and his family the night before Christmas.
“This book will now become a holiday tradition. Reading it brings memories of times shared with my five grandchildren before God called them home. They loved to see the cardinals at feeders, pictures in books and in the trees of a local state park.”
Sharon Elliott
“When I think of an Angel, I think of Leesah Marie Noon. She is the sunshine that gives a caring soul inner peace to carry on in this world, and has enlightened us with God’s adorable creature which also gives us inner peace when we experience special moments with a cardinal.”
Wendy Taylor
CARING CARDINALS: Autumn Blessings
by Leesah Marie Noon
Cardinals are not known to migrate and often become a year-round blessing for those with an ideal habitat near their home. This photo gift book features northern cardinals during the autumn season in southeastern Pennsylvania.
CARING CARDINALS: Spring Blessings
by Leesah Marie Noon
Cardinals are not known to migrate and often become a year-round blessing for those with an ideal habitat near their home. This photo gift book features northern cardinals during the spring season in southeastern Pennsylvania.
CARING CARDINALS: Summer Blessings
by Leesah Marie Noon
Cardinals are not known to migrate and often become a year-round blessing for those with an ideal habitat near their home. This photo gift book features northern cardinals during the summer season in southeastern Pennsylvania.
“I never get tired of looking at the photos of the beautiful cardinals. They really cheer me up!”
Berdelle Olson
CARING CARDINALS: Winter Blessings
by Leesah Marie Noon
Cardinals are not known to migrate and often become a year-round blessing for those with an ideal habitat near their home. This photo gift book features northern cardinals during the winter season in southeastern Pennsylvania.
“When I think of an Angel, I think of Leesah Marie Noon. She is the sunshine that gives a caring soul inner peace to carry on in this world, and has enlightened us with God’s adorable creature which also gives us inner peace when we experience special moments with a cardinal. I will always have a special place in my heart for Leesah, because she is an Angel sent from Heaven just like these beautiful red cardinals.”
Wendy Taylor
CARING CARDINALS: Nature’s Gift for Inner Peace
by Leesah Marie Noon
Foreword by Artist Jim Shore
Caring Cardinals begins with a memorial page followed by numerous stunning cardinal photographs paired along poetic words of hope, love and inspiration for adults and children who have suffered the loss of someone special.
CARING CARDINALS: Nature’s Gift for Inner Peace
by Leesah Marie Noon
"Caring Cardinals is far more than just a book. It is a unique, inspiring, and entertaining experience. Within these pages one will find, through beautiful photography and heartfelt poetry, a multifaceted narrative of hope, love, and inspiration as symbolized by images of one of the most beloved of God's
creatures ... the cardinal. I know that Caring Cardinals will bring as much joy
to you as it has to me."
Jim Shore | Artist
“Leesah Marie Noon is the creator of Caring Cardinals® and the author/photographer of a "One in a Million" publication titled: Caring Cardinals: Nature’s Gift for Inner Peace. We highly recommend ordering your very own copy of this breathtaking publication as a gift for those who have experienced the loss of someone special. This publication is inspirational, impactful and filled with heartfelt passion. We were honored to receive a copy of this beautifully composed book. If you've experienced a loss recently, or have become more intrigued watching cardinals in your own backyard, you NEED to get a copy of this publication. Not only does Caring Cardinals help to address grief, but it also exposes you to the radiance found right in our own backyards.”
Jeremy Black | Charlie Stephenson
CARING CARDINALS: Nature’s Gift for Inner Peace
by Leesah Marie Noon
“A beautiful book written and illustrated by a beautiful person with a huge heart! Leesah has made it her mission to help others cope and find peace in one of nature’s most exquisite animals, the cardinal. This book is truly something to be treasured and shared. Leesah’s careful dedication to detail is evident within every phrase and photograph. It is a unique showcase of her talent, creativity, and kindness. As humans we all experience loss, but Caring Cardinals is a comforting reminder for all ages, that loved ones will always remain close.”
Kelsi Andrescavage
"I will always have a special place in my heart for Leesah because she is an Angel sent from Heaven to help us all have inner peace. The little red cardinal provides inner peace, so when I think of an Angel, I think of Leesah."
Wendy Taylor
"I absolutely love my Caring Cardinals book and gifts. It's so special and comforting, bringing the love from above through our little red bird! Thank you for creating Caring Cardinals™! Your incredible website is so full of love, compassion and hope. The book and bereavement gifts you offer are so creative, thoughtful and perfect for anyone who has loved and lost. I am in awe of your heart and why you created Caring Cardinals®."
Jeni Combs Brocato
"I believe peoples' lives cross paths for a specific reason. Fortunately for me, mine crossed paths with Leesah's on a serendipitous flight to Chicago. We were definitely meant to sit next to each other. I brought a book to read, but placed it on the seat pouch and openly expressed that I was not in the mood to read that particular book. Leesah smiled and stated that she may have a book that I would enjoy reading. She asked me if I was familiar with the spiritual symbolism of red cardinals. I certainly did! I had been blessed by the most meaningful Cardinal Experience one Thanksgiving morning during a very difficult moment when I was thinking about my recently deceased father. Leesah handed me a prototype of her book and explained its purpose. She expressed her wishes to comfort and inspire the souls of those grieving after a loss. I read this beautiful book and feel the incredible photographs kept me fully engaged from beginning to end. After closing the book, it was the perfect time for me to tell Leesah that I am a grief counselor and that I truly believe this beautiful book will resonate with adults and children who are grieving after a loss. This book soothed my soul and I know it will comfort so many others in the very same way. Before departing the flight, we joined the Captain for a photograph and learned that his mother had just passed away a few days earlier. Without hesitation, Leesah gave the book to him and expressed her sincere condolences. There is no other way to look at this -- Leesah was meant to be on that flight!"
Jennifer Barr
This is such a beautiful book filled with compassion for those who are grieving. As a creative person myself, this is not just a book ... It is a wonderfully and carefully constructed piece of art! The large two-page spread of each cardinal photo with an overlay of the poetry on each page ties together the dynamic beauty of the photograph and the simplicity of the message within the poetry. God's hand of peace and comfort can be seen in so many ways in our lives, and this book is one of them. Congratulations to Leesah for completing this long journey and seeing it through to fruition!
Scott Dobat
"What an amazing array of stunning pictures! This book has brought me so much joy since losing my precious son! Every time I see a cardinal now, I think of the precious birds and the poems from each page. When I am having a rough day, I grab my book and it reminds me of the beautiful place that God has created! Thank you, Leesah, for capturing the beauty of these cardinals!"
Kathie O'Connor
“When I think of an Angel, I think of Leesah Marie Noon. She is the sunshine that gives a caring soul inner peace to carry on in this world, and has enlightened us with God’s adorable creature which also gives us inner peace when we experience special moments with a cardinal.”
Wendy Taylor
"This book is wonderful and truly touched my heart and soul. Within a period of three years, I lost my dad, my mom, and my sister. Since their passing, I stand at my kitchen window and watch three cardinals every day at my bird feeder. It is very humbling and peaceful, and with immense comfort that I watch them. Sometimes I open the window and tell them "I love and miss you." Every emotion is captured in this book. The pictures are absolutely beautiful and I am certain your father is proud of you. I purchased these books for my own collection, for my brother and also my sister's son."
Deborah Jacob
"I have just finished reading this beautiful book. There is a lump in my throat and goosebumps everywhere! Thank you for sharing your compassion for those who have had experiences with loss in the past or are currently dealing with another. I love the way you opened up about your personal experiences dealing with losses of very important people in your life and how red cardinals led you to inner peace. It is so beautiful that red cardinals have an ability to help adults and children deal with a loss of loved ones. The photographs are absolutely stunning and your story is told with such beautiful poetry. I will read this again and again, because it truly gave me inner peace related to the many losses I have experienced throughout my life. For that, I thank you with all my heart."
Linda Snyder
"Stunning photography! Caring Cardinals beautifully portrays just one of the very special ways God reveals himself to us through nature."
Amy Badalamente
"I read this book twice and cried both times. There is so much emotion tied into this book and the gift products, and it isn't even my creation. I truly love everything. The photographs that appear in the book with the poetically flowing words TOOK MY BREATH AWAY. I actually got the hiccups from crying. I am so deeply touched from your own personal story with your Dad -- to the meaning behind red cardinals -- to the way you gently guided my mind to remember and process through all of the memories of my mom and all that she meant to me. I will place all of my wonderful thoughts and memories within the tree branches that are holding beautiful red cardinals. Each time I see a cardinal, it will enable me smile as I think about the wonderful memories shared together with my mom. Without a doubt, this will be the same journey for anyone else who has an opportunity to read this heart-healing book."
Justine Parlet
"This book really hit the spot -- my heart. You are truly blessed with love, compassion, talent, and a never-ending caring heart! This book gave me a true feeling of peace reading it. The cardinal photographs are perfect and your poetry is amazing! It is a wonderful book to give as a gift to someone who has lost a loved one. I have seen books written for people who have suffered the loss of a husband or child, but they do not compare to your work of art and the love that appears on every page. This book really gave me a feeling of peace, which I needed because I miss my late husband every day. Thank you for being such an amazing, wonderful, and caring woman!"
Jeanne Meyer
"Caring Cardinals is absolutely beautiful in every way and will certainly bring comfort and a smile to those who have lost someone dear. Every photograph is visually stunning and expertly captures the different personalities of the magnificent red cardinal. The poetic words on each page inform the reader about many interesting cardinal facts, then transition into thought-provoking words that truly touch the heart, reminding the reader of the spiritual significance of red cardinals and the lost loved ones who remain with us always. Every time the reader sees a beautiful red cardinal in their yard or during a nature walk, they will know their loved one is safe, happy, and awaiting their reunion in Heaven."
Kim Staquet
"I recently had the pleasure of reading Caring Cardinals which was written by a dear old friend. What a talent! This unique book contains an incredibly sweet collection of uplifting and inspiring thoughts related to these wonderful creatures. It brought at least a dozen smiles to my face during this short read. Beautiful photography accompanies thoughts on every page. Both the photographs and thought-provoking messages will definitely take your mind to another place. I love how the photographs take you through each season of the year and are accompanied by heartfelt words that brought me peace."
Eric Larson
"Your work of art and literature is beautiful! Each photograph has such clarity and depth. Such talent! The photographs and words are paired together so beautifully which allows the mind to feel peace."
Jeanne Pappas
"This is such a lovely book that I found to be sweet and inspiring. The poetic words are both entertaining and uplifting. The photographs are so beautiful and should be framed! I am certain that the author's father would be very proud."
Deb Carr
"Caring Cardinals is one of those rare books that appeals to people of all ages. From the moment you open the book, you are filled with inspiration from beautiful photographs and messages of love, hope, and comfort. This is exactly what the world needs more of. Heartfelt thanks to Leesah for this little gem."
Doreen Bompartito
I've just finished my first reading of Caring Cardinals: Nature's Gift for Inner Peace. The joy of learning about these amazing birds, the heartfelt message of the project and the incredible images captured by the author and photographer are absolutely stunning.
Paige Avallone
Caring Cardinals is a beautiful reminder that our loved ones we miss terribly are always with us. This heartwarming book will provide inner peace for anyone in their time of need. The photographs are stunning and managed to capture the delicate details of each individual bird. This book will truly be an uplifting gift for anyone who needs it -- and reads it.
Andrea Corropolese
This book was so beautifully photographed and written. The rhymes sound like a beautiful song which added to the loving ways of the cardinal and the photographs are simply fantastic. Caring Cardinals made me think of my loved ones in Heaven with a peaceful smile.
Jennifer DeRosa